Tuesday, 18 January 2011

The Uncooperative Subconscious Mind: Saboteur or Scared Parent?

The Uncooperative Subconscious Mind: Saboteur or Scared Parent?

When your subconscious mind does not cooperate with your plans, though it may feel like a saboteur, in reality, it’s more like a scared parent. It’s been tracking your beliefs. You’ve scared it into thinking you need to be rescued (by your defense strategies). It also believes your physical survival is at stake in any emotionally painful situations, when it’s not..
Read the full article at PsychCentral


Has Psychology Killed Philosophy?

"How can we lead meaningful lives in an age when the broad culture no longer embraces a single vision of religious truth? In a remarkable new book, All Things Shining, philosophy professors Sean D. Kelly of Harvard and Hubert Dreyfus of UC Berkeley undertake a rollicking survey of three millennia of Western thought, contrasting the ways that Homer, Aeschylus, Dante, Melville, and others found meaning in their worlds. The main challenge we face today, they write, is to find a convincing response to nihilism, a position that they identifying particularly in the writings of David Foster Wallace."
- From Psychology Today ~ follow link for rest of article http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/extreme-fear/201101/has-psychology-killed-philosophy